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  • Bereavement Support

    Cavendish Cancer Care can offer you one-to-one counselling with experienced therapists at a time that is right for you.

    We also have a range of complementary therapies that enable us to provide you with support best suited to your needs. You can access this service at any time, even if is years since you’ve been bereaved.

    Children and Young People’s Service

    Our children and young people’s service offers supportive care to children and young people up to the age of 18, including those who are experiencing bereavement.

    The service is delivered by a team of therapists, with experience of working with children and young people in a variety of settings.

    Your First Step

    Just pick up the phone and give us a call, we are here for you: 0114 278 4600.

    You will be given an appointment within 5 working days of contacting the centre. You do not need to be referred. Your initial consultation will be an assessment with a member of our highly trained and experienced staff, who understands the effects a cancer diagnosis can have on a person’s life.