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  • Wellbeing blog 

    The latest news, tips and wellbeing expertise.

    Let’s Hear from the Experts: An Expert Partnership

    Have a read about our amazing partnership with Spire Claremont Hospital!

    Health and wellbeing of staff is increasingly at the forefront of every business, ‘Let’s Hear from the Experts’ is a partnership offering educational, health-based focus talks by leading consultants from Claremont Hospital to businesses in Sheffield and the surrounding areas.

    We are so proud that we can offer this exceptional opportunity to our local community.

    Read our article here!

    Mental Health First Aider experience

    Its time to hear from Charley about her expereince on the 2 day Mental Health First Aider course.

    Charley shares why the MHFAider course was so important to her, what she has gained from it, why she believes that more people should be MHFA qualified.

    Read our article here!

    Self Care Our Way

    Taking care of yourself is important all day, every day. Prioritising self-care is crucial for your overall wellbeing.

    This is Self-Care Our Way. An article dedicated to how our staff practice self-care.

    Self-care can look different for everyone, so we hope this article inspires you to understand the importance of self-care and find self-care your way.

    Read our article here!