Vice-Chairman Kevin Clifford Awarded OBE
July 2, 2018
We would like to congratulate our Vice-Chairman Kevin Clifford on being awarded a prestigious OBE.
Kevin has been a registered Nurse since 1983, completing a BSC in Nursing Studies and an MSc in Health Economics and Management. More recently, he completed the Kings Fund Top Manager Programme in 2011.
As Director of Nursing for Acute and Elderly Medicine at the Northern General, prior to the creating of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Kevin had his first association with the Cavendish Centre many years ago, and has continued to support the work of the centre when possible ever since.
In August 2016 Kevin retired as Chief Nurse at Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group. He has held a range of Nursing and General Management posts in the NHS over almost 40 years, including Chief Operating Officer for PCTs Provider (Community) Services, and both Clinical Director of Operations and Nurse Director (Emergency Care) at a large Teaching Hospital / Foundation Trust. He has continued to contribute to Cavendish Cancer Care alongside other organisations.
We are all delighted by Kevin’s success and grateful for his dedication to the Sheffield community.