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  • Christmas Cracker Update

    December 16, 2021


    Our goal has and will always be to provide the best quality care and support to cancer patients and their families in the safest possible environment. So at the end of last week, we took the decision to ask everyone to work from home who wasn’t directly involved in providing hands on one to one support sessions at our home the Tim Pryor Centre. What was paramount in this decision was to make sure we could still be there for everyone who had an appointment booked.

    Unfortunately this means we are a little behind on splitting raffle tickets and opening envelopes for the Christmas Hamper Draw because there is only skeleton staff in the centre and our usual fab volunteers can’t come and help. So we have consulted with the Sheffield Council licensing team and they have said it’s OK for us to delay the draw for 24 hours so the results will now be out on Friday afternoon and all winners will be notified.

    We know you’ll understand the reasons we’ve done this an know you are excited for the results, this does mean that any entries that arrive in the post today and tomorrow morning will also be entered plus you can get some last minute ones online is you wish.

    Thanks so much for your support.