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  • Help us win £5000 from the Aviva Community Fund!

    October 26, 2017

    Cavendish are in for chance of winning £5000 through the Aviva Community Fund to support of Cavendish Buddies scheme.

    All you need to do is vote for Cavendish is CLICK HERE and share it amongst your friends and family.

    One of the ways we provide support at the centre is through our Cancer Buddies Project. Cancer Buddies are volunteers that have either had cancer themselves or cared for someone with cancer. Cavendish Cancer Buddies are here to listen in a confidential and non judgemental way to the things people can’t always say to the others around them. They provide people experiencing cancer with someone like them who has a lived experience of the condition.

    We’re seeking funding from the Aviva Community Fund to expand Cavendish Cancer Buddies and continue the support they provide to those who need it most.