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  • Cavendish Blog – 10 reasons why Sheffield is the best city on Earth

    January 13, 2015

    Sheffield – it’s our home. It’s also officially the ‘Happiest City in the UK’. So just what makes Sheffield so great? Here’s our Top 10!

    10. The cultural quarter

    Sheffield is home to the largest theatre complex in the UK outside of London. The theatres house numerous big-stage productions every year, as well as the World Snooker Championships.

    Sheffield Lyceum

    9. The people

    Often referred to as “The Biggest Village in the World”, Sheffield’s home to around 500,000 fabulous people who all seem to, in some way, know each other – the six degrees of Sheffield separation!

    Café Rouge next to the Peace Gardens

    8. Our sporting heritage

    We’re home to the world’s oldest football team, two large Football League teams, snooker legends, cricket legends and, of course, the city’s Golden Girl – Jessica Ennis-Hill.


    7. Henderson’s Relish

    Very little explanation needed here. Henderson’s Relish is a Sheffield institution. No Sunday dinner is complete without it. Well, no dinner is really!


    6. Our beer

    The city is home to loads of small breweries, producing ‘real ale’ favourites. Recently, our partners Abbeydale Brewery launched a tea flavoured beer. Tea. Beer. Together. That’s Sheffield.


    5. Steel

    Our Sheffield forefathers made key innovations in the development of stainless steel – giving us the nickname ‘The Steel City’ around the world.


    4. Our accent

    ‘Ee bah gum’ it’s a great accent. One survey found it to be the most intelligent. So there.


    3. Our music

    Sheffield’s music scene continues to grow yearly. We’ve produced some of the finest – the Arctic Monkeys, Pulp, Joe Cocker, Def Leppard etc. It’s quite a good city to play a guitar in.


    2. Our countryside

    We officially reside in the greenest city in Europe. There are four trees for every resident. Which four? Who knows. Choose wisely.

    totalwarrior Martin  Brooks web

    1. The Cavendish Centre

    Come on, you knew we were going to be #1, didn’t you? We’ve been here since 1991 –  so you could say that we’re a bit of Sheffield history itself. We unite this wonderful city by providing specialist complementary therapies, advice and a place of comfort to those who are facing cancer.

    We support 1500 families from South Yorkshire every single year and need to raise over £350,000 to do so. Love Sheffield? Help us to keep the blue door open… and donate to us by texting CAVC11 followed by the amount you would like to donate to 70070.

    Cavendish Cancer Care Delphine bell 3