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  • Calling all carers of people living with cancer in Sheffield

    May 13, 2016


    Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Sheffield City Council are holding a workshop for carers of people with cancer to help us learn from your experience in order to improve Cancer Care in Sheffield.

    WORKSHOP TO BE HELD MONDAY 6 JUNE 2016 1.30 PM – 3.30 PM at Sheffield Carers CentreGround Floor East, Concept House, 5 Young Street  Sheffield S1 4UP


    Have your say on Improving Cancer Care in Sheffield In 2015/16 NHS Sheffield CCG and Sheffield City Council undertook work to understand the needs of Sheffield residents in relation to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and living with cancer.  We now wish to discuss these with Sheffield residents, including people living with and beyond cancer and their families and we have developed a leaflet to help with this, alongside some additional information with an outline of the potential areas of action for 2016/17.   If you cannot attend the workshop you can take part in this consultation by completing the online survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ImprovingCancerCare

    To find more information about Improving Cancer Care in Sheffield please visit http://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/get-involved/improving-cancer-care-in-sheffield.htm